Desde hace unos dias ya disponemos de lazreport como parte de Lazarus. Fue añadido por Jesus Reyes en la revision 11950 de la rama trunk:

lazarus: jesus * r11950 /trunk/ (233 files in 20 dirs) : Added LazReport components

Espero que se establezca, mas aun, como estandar de facto para el diseño de informes en Lazarus.

Por otro lado ha salido una nueva version estable de freepascal, a continuacion el anuncio de Joost van der Sluis que ha echo publico a la lista:

The Free Pascal Compiler team is pleased to announce the release of FPC 2.2.0!

An overview of most changes is available below, but some highlights are:

* Architectures: PowerPC/64 and ARM support
* Platforms: Windows x64, Windows CE, Mac OS X/Intel, Game Boy Advance, and Game Boy DS support
* Linker: fast and lean internal linker for Windows platforms
* Debugging: Dwarf support and the ability to automatically fill variables with several values to more easily detect uninitialised uses
* Language: support for interface delegation, bit packed records and arrays and support for COM/OLE variants and dispinterfaces
* Infrastructure: better variants support, multiple resource files support, widestrings are COM/OLE compatible on Windows, improved database support

Downloads are available at


The Free Pascal Compiler Team

Que aproveche ;)



  • freepascal
  • lazarus

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